ESP is at the intersection between human-centered design (HCD) and management consulting.


At the start of every engagement, we seek deep, root-cause information in order to better empathize with people's unrealized needs.


Once the qualitative data is collected, we externalize it, analyze thousands of data points, and find meaningful insights in order to better understand the problem.


After seeking information and understanding the problem, we do the work to bring the best ideas to life. Our team creates innovative solutions, develops prototypes, and tests the prototypes with users.


ESP is a strategy consulting firm that resides at the intersection of business and design. When Founder and CEO Patti Kwong was first introduced to HCD during her 20 year-long career in the consulting industry, she found her purpose: help solve our government's "wicked problems." Since then, Patti has worked with the government on various problems including sexual assault, suicide prevention, patient engagement, and veteran unemployment. ESP is an Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) as well as a certified Small Women and Minority Owned (SWaM) business in the state of Virginia.